Dance Artist
2019 - 2023
Mapping my 30-year standard normal*
An intimate performance exploring landscapes of memory and humanity’s relationship with the earth, Constellations is designed for small audiences of up to 6 people. Through a re-imagining of the performance space in miniature, it investigates themes of nostalgia and memory in relation to the multiple scales of environmental crisis. Numerous timelines intertwine as the piece examines humanity’s power to both destroy and be destroyed, and our capacity to care for a world within which we are totally enmeshed.
*30 years is the standard reference period for calculating climate normals and identifying variations in global temperature (WNO, 2021).
'... absolutely mesmerising and unlike anything else I've ever seen.' (audience member, Constellations)
Past shows:
Saturday 1st April 2023
St George's Bristol
Sunday 29th May 2022
Exeter Phoenix Arts Centre
Saturday 21st May 2022
Camden People's Theatre
June 2019 at CtEO: Practice-based research in academia conference, De Montfort University
June 2019 at the University of Roehampton (MRes)
Image credit: David Wilson Clarke
Sound effects obtained from
Thank you to:
Emilyn Claid and Bob Whalley for supervision during the making of Constellations.
St Georges Bristol for support during the making of the Constellations trailer.